Which Tea is the Best to Drink during Pregnancy?

Are you a tea lover and expecting? Now is the time to choose the right tea for your needs! The good news is that there are a number of great teas to enjoy throughout your pregnancy and some have been shown to target specific pregnancy symptoms to make you feel more comfortable.

Best pregnancy tea

Although caffeinated tea is safe to drink, many pregnant women choose to drink herbal teas or tisanes during their pregnancy. We recommend drinking the following teas while pregnant:

Ginger tea

Ginger is commonly used during pregnancy to ease morning sickness, and studies have shown it to be safe and effective for this purpose. But there is also some evidence that it can negatively affect fetal sex hormones and increase the risk of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. So before you drink ginger tea, discuss its benefits and risks with your healthcare provider.

Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea is used to soothe an upset stomach during pregnancy and is considered safe. Be aware that it may not help with morning sickness: One study found that peppermint oil aromatherapy, for example, did not work better than a placebo for treating nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Which is already very common in pregnant women?

Green tea

Green tea, including trendy matcha tea, is considered safe to drink during pregnancy. They are also much lower in caffeine than coffee – about 25 grams per cup versus 100 grams. However, limit yourself to less than three cups of green tea a day. Green tea is high in catechins, which prevent your cells from fully absorbing folic acid. Your body needs plenty of folic acids to help prevent neural tube defects during pregnancy.

Black or white tea

These popular forms of tea, such as white tea, are considered safe to drink during pregnancy. Just remember not to overdo it, as four cups of black tea, for example, will get you up to your daily caffeine quotient of 200 mg. Iced tea is often made from black tea, so keep that in mind as a source of caffeine.

Dandelion tea

Many herbalist midwives recommend small doses of dandelion tea for pregnant women. And why not, dandelions are rich in vitamins A, C, B, and D along with potassium, calcium, folic acid, and iron. It helps reduce the chances of urinary tract infections and also cleanses the liver. It helps when you are bloated with water retention during pregnancy by acting as a diuretic.

So, now you know which tea is best to drink during pregnancy. Now you know that you don’t have to give up your favorite tea because of your pregnancy. You just need to replace it with non-caffeinated herbal tea. And herbs like stinging nettle, ginger, dandelion, and chamomile will make your life easier.

By wellwaytea

Wellway tea is the best online tea store, located in Rajkot India providing high-quality branded tea and tea accessories that entirely fit to your lifestyle so shop through us!